Escape the rat race and unlock more time for what truly matters

… because you deserve more free time to fulfill your dreams


Pirjo Isorinne - onnellisuusvalmentaja - happiness coach
Pirjo Isorinne, happiness coach, soluni coach
Soluni, Arctic Nutrition family
Soluni with Onnellinen team
Finnish Soluni team

Better health, better energy, more free time

This is possible for you, when you join our fabulous team Onnellinen.

What my team says

To make things easier, we’ve gathered your favorites here.

You help has been so professional. You know so much, and if you don’t toy find out. Your passion is contageous ❤️

Pirjo is a true professional as a coach who knows the working of the mind like the back of her hand. Pirjo’s coaching approach is gentle strength, wich creates the best, forward-looking insights for the coachee.

Pirjo is an understanding. funny and inspiring instructor.

Come & claim your freedom! Download my Free 5 Insights.

Come & Claim Your Freedom with 5 Insights


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Voit milloin tahansa poistua uutiskirjelistalta.

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